Most people are familiar with the small card that is sent to express a sentiment or convey good wishes that we call a greeting card. Usually, greeting cards are sent on special occasions such as New Year, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Birthday, or other special days. But did you know that not only individuals that use this card?
Today, greeting cards are used by both individuals and businesses. Because of that, the application of greeting cards is quite wide. But why do individuals and businesses use the card? Is there anything important that makes them use the card?
To get the answer to the question above, you can read some of the following points below!
1. Greeting Cards Show That You Care
We know that today’s communication relies heavily on instant messaging. People send everything through it, including when congratulating or making a wish for someone. But, conveying a wish or expressing sentiment on a greeting card will be totally different! Why? Because a greeting card is not only a medium for writing your thought and expressing your heart, but the card also indirectly shows that you really care about the recipient. How can it be? It can happen because sending someone greeting cards need more than intention but also action. People understand that the sender will need more preparation in making and sending the card, therefore the receiver can feel if the sender cares for them.
2. Keep Relationships
Is it something important that makes individuals and businesses use the card? Yes, it is! And that is because of greeting cards can be a way to keep in touch and maintain relationships! For individuals, maintaining a relationship with the people they care about is essential! Likewise companies, because maintaining relationships with their customers is absolutely needed for their business. It can also be a strategy to increase customer loyalty to a business or brand.
Note: Many companies make their own cards instead of buying them. They create the design and go to a printing service such as greeting card printing in Singapore to turn the design into the real greeting cards. Why do they choose to make the card? That is because making cards is more cost-effective and can make the card design is more personal.
3. People Are More Likely to Read the Real Cards than the Virtual Cards
Instead of sending some wishes or expressing sentiments via email, you are better off sending the real cards to the recipient. Why? Because we know that nowadays people receive more and more emails every single day. As a result, maybe your greeting message is missed to be noticed and covered in lots of work-related emails, bank emails, or other emails sent to that address too. And what about greeting cards? Since the card is usually used and sent at a specifying occasion, people won’t get it often. So, every time they get the real card, they will be even more excited! This is the reason why many people and businesses use greeting cards! Besides, especially for businesses, you need to consider sending the real greeting cards to your customers as they are more likely to be read than email them.